Learn more about WorldHarvestFoodBank

At World Harvest Farms, we’re dedicated to helping those most in need live their best lives. From housing to healthcare to human services, our work touches the mind, bodies, hearts, and spirits of those we serve.

Misson Statement

At World Harvest Farms, our mission is to revolutionize the way we grow and sustain food while making a positive impact on our local communities. We are dedicated to three core pillars: indoor farming, urban agriculture, and providing social services for underserved populations.


Nothing goes to waste at World Harvest! In fact, all produce, vegetable, and bread, pastries, pastas collected by World Harvest, but unable to be distributed to families or animals at the LA ZOO, because of spoilage or damage, is sent to composting by Republic Services.
Approximately 40 tons per month is processed at Agromin, where the food waste is turned into nutrient rich soil amendment.
Since the composting program began in February 2018 to June 2018, over 180 tons of spoiled food have been composted.



Guided by the experience of more than 16,000 professionals living and working to make life better in their local communities, our plan for today and tomorrow is clear: transform lives by improving the health, happiness, and stability of our communities.


Animal Welfare

World Harvest Farms is dedicated to animal welfare may provide resources to shelter, rehabilitation, or adoption services. World Harvest Farms also works to raise awareness about animal rights and advocate for animal-friendly policies and practices.

Health and Wellness

World Harvest Farms works to improve healthcare access, support medical research, provide counseling services, or raise awareness about specific health issues.

Human Services

Focused on the unique needs of each of the communities we serve, we create and manage hundreds of life-changing programs and services.


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